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The central plateau or Meseta Central is the inner plateau of Spain and is home to the country's capital city, Madrid. Vinos de Madrid is the DO (Denominación de Origen) title that covers the vineyards around Madrid, the capital of Spain. The average elevation here is about 2,500 feet (762 meters) and it’s sunny and dry. To survive these arid conditions, vines are spaced far apart and grow close to the ground.

There are lots of high quality wine regions around Spain and all over the world which makes even more difficult to find the magnificent wines from Madrid on your wine shop shelves but the first step was done and these wines have got many critics recognition (nationally and internationally) and whoever approaching to them should know that Madrid wineries are producing extraordinary value for money wines within the D.O. Vinos de Madrid.


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Denominations of origin:

  • Vinos de Madrid

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Vinos de Madrid

Denominacion de Origen

Vinos de Madrid obtained the DO status in 1990 as a result of a period of modernization and investment, producing higher-quality bottled wines. This shift to quality over quantity was rewarded then and the region has grown its producers and wine production significantly, always maintaining very high production standards.

There are three sub-zones in the DO Vinos de Madrid: Arganda, Navalcarnero, and San Martin. All of them are all at an elevation of between 500 and 800 m above sea level. Arganda is the largest sub-zone, containing about 50% of the vines and comprising 26 municipalities. The soil here contains mainly clay and lime over a granite subsoil.


To the southwest, close to the Sierra de Gredos range, is the San Martín sub-zone, which contains 35% of the DOP's vines.


Further to the southwest is the Navalcarnero sub-zone with 15% of the vines. Rich dark soils are more abundant in San Martín, while in Navalcarnero the soils are less rich in carbonates, are low in nutrients, and lie over a clay subsoil.

The three sub-zones have long-hot summers and cold winters, typical of a continental climate. Temperatures widely vary over the course of the year, from as high as 40°C in summer and as low as -2°C in winter. Rainfall varies depending on the sub-zone but, in general, it is sparse and falls mainly in spring and autumn. San Martin gets the most rainfall (650 mm/year) due to the influence of the mountains, while Navalcarnero gets just over 500 mm/year, and Arganda just 450 mm/year.

If you would like to see all the wines available, please visit our Wine Store.

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